Saturday, January 2, 2010

Remembering Our Depravity in Light of the Cross

"My memory is nearly gone; but I remember two things; That I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Saviour."

- John Newton


Angie Gamgee said...

Just sorta wanted to say thanks for starting this blog. I'm a fan of quotes, and now I have somewhere to go to read good, godly ones!

Also, John Newton is a favorite... hymn-writer of mine. This quote of his is especially encouraging.

In Christ

Joshua said...

No problem Angela. My one and only hope is that God is glorified through this blog and that's it. Thanks for hopping along on this ride.

In Christ,
Joshua :)

Jessy Jones said...

I love this quote!!! I've heard/read it many times. I like how it shows how it is impossible to forget those things once you have been saved.

a sister in Christ,